SFB/FK-427 Medien und kulturelle Kommunikation

Prof. Anna McCarthy

Gastprofessur SS 2007

Vom 21. Mai bis zum 17. Juni 2007 ist Prof. Anna McCarthy zu Gast beim Kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungskolleg. Im Rahmen ihres Aufenthalts finden folgende Veranstaltungen statt:

Reality TV: Biopolitical Theater of Neoliberalism


Dienstag, 22.05.2007, 19 Uhr s.t.
Kollegkolloqium mit Lecture
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Aula

Research Methods in Media and Material Culture


What is material culture, and what can it teach those of us working on media and visual culture? To answer these questions, this workshop engages recent theoretical paradigms including “thing theory,” actor-network theory, and new media theory. Addressing such concepts as plasticity, modularity, and detritus, we will explore the status of materiality more generally in the analysis of (audio)visual forms. How, we ask, can conceptions of the material realm across diverse arenas, from Marxism to psychoanalysis and beyond, provide useful frameworks for understanding the political and aesthetic dimensions of the sensorium today. To help orient participants, a short reading selection will be available as photo copy by the end of the week before.

NEUER TERMIN: Dienstag, 05.06.2007, 18:00-21:00h
Konferenzraum des Kollegs, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Köln

Cyranoids: Liberal Governance and The Technological Grotesque


Dienstag, 12.06.2007, 18 Uhr s.t.
Universität Bochum, Hörsaal HGB 30

Industrial Films and other Ephemeral Media


The industrial film presents a peculiar conundrum for scholars of visual media. Didactic and crude, they are characterized by stilted performances and transparently propagandistic rhetorical techniques, although they often employ arrestingly beautiful industrial imagery and create uncannily anthropomorphic scenarios featuring what Marx referred to as “the beautiful labor of the machine.” Consequently, these films seem to provide us with few interpretive options, encouraging readings that either denounce them as exploitative artifacts of corporate visual culture or unmoor them from history to celebrate the purity of their machine aesthetics. The task of this workshop is to move beyond this analytical impasse. Through screenings and discussions, we will explore the possibilities of the industrial film as a hermeneutic key for a renewed understanding of the hidden politics of the everyday

Donnerstag, 14.06.2007, 14:00-18:00h
Konferenzraum des Kollegs, Pohligstr. 1, 50969 Köln

Anna McCarthy ist Associate Professor und Associate Chair of Cinema Studies an der New York University. Zu ihren wichtigsten Publikationen zählen die Monographie “Ambient Television: Visual Culture and Public Space” (2001) und der Sammelband “Media/Space: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age” (2004, zus. mit Nick Couldry). Seit 2006 ist Anna McCarthy außerdem Co-Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift “Social Text”. Gastprofessuren und Fellowships haben sie nach Santa Catarina, Brasilien, und Amsterdam geführt, außerdem war sie Scholar in Residence an der Annenberg School of Communication der University of Pennsyvania.

Veranstaltungstyp: Workshops - Gastprofessuren

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