SFB/FK-427 Medien und kulturelle Kommunikation
Dr. Jin Hyun Kim

Short CV
- Born in Seoul
- B.A. in Music Theory at the Seoul National University
- M.A. in Musicology (major: Systematic Musicology) and Philosophy at the Hamburg University
- Ph.D. with a German Doctoral Thesis on embodiment in interactive music and media performances – taking into account perspectives from media theory and cognitive science (summa cum laude)
- Research Associate within the scope of the Collaborative Research Center "Media and Cultural Communication" at the University of Cologne (2002-2008)
- Lecturer in Systematic Musicology and Media Studies at the University of Cologne (2002-2009)
- Researcher at the Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion" at the Free University Berlin (from October 2009 to March 2013)
- Postdoc visiting research fellow at the University of Ghent within the scope of the research project "Embodied Music Cognition & Mediation Technologies for Cultural/Creative Applications" (summer term 2009)
- Postdoctoral research assistantship at the University of Osnabrück funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (January - December 2009)
- Visiting research fellow at MARCS Auditory Laboratories at the University of Western Sydney (June 2010)
- Junior Fellow in Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study) from 2011 to 2012.
- Researcher at the University of Oldenburg since November 2012
- Research projects funded by the German National Research Foundation (DFG): A 7.3 "Transcriptive Interaction" (2002-2004); C10 "Artistic Interactivity in Hybrid Networks" (2005-2008) in collaboration with the Deparment of Systematic Musicology at the University of Cologne and the Department of Sound and Media Studies at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne
- Research project on Embodiment of Musical Expressiveness funded by the research foundation Flanders (FWO) in 2009
- Research projects on Musical Aisthesis and (Aesthetic) Empathy funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Research Foundation (DFG) as well as the Fritz Thyssen Foundation from 2009 to 2011
- Participation in the Summer School on Computer Music at the Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) in Paris (June 2001); in the Pythagoras Summer School in Cognitive Musicology at the University of Jyväskylä in Jyväskylä (August 2001); in the HUMAINE (Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion) Summer School at the International Center of Excellence "Casa Paganini" in Genoa (September 2006)
- Teaching at the International Summer School in Systematic Musicology (2007-2009)
Research interests
- New Media Theory
- Embodiment and Situatedness in Media Theory and Cognitive Science
- Mediality of Asithesis and Cognition
- Interactive Music und Media Performances
- Music, Cognition and Emotion
- Musical Expressiveness and (Aesthetic) Empathy
- Methodology of Music Research
Teaching courses at the University of Cologne (in German)
- 2002 – 2003: (study group) Interactive Music System: Max/MSP [co-leader: Franca Lohmann]
- Winter term 2002/2003: (undergraduate seminar) Affective Computing
- Summer term 2003: (undergraduate seminar) Interactive Music Systems and works since mid-1980s
- Winter term 2003/2004: (reading course) Semiotics of Music [together with Prof. Dr. Uwe Seifert]
- Summer term 2004: (exercise) Gesture controlled sound generation (with introduction into Max/MSP und SuperCollider) [together with Alberto de Campo, M.A.]
- Winter term 2005/2006: (exercise) Embodiment in algorithmic music and media art
- Winter term 2006/2007: (undergraduate seminar) Experimental Interfaces in Music and Media Art [video-based online conference course in cooperation with the Academy of Art Bern, Leuphana Lüneburg University, University of Osnabrück and the Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music (STEIM) Amsterdam, together with Prof. Dr. Bernd Enders, Dr. Rolf Großmann, Prof. Michael Harenberg and Prof. Dr. Uwe Seifert]
- Winter term 2007/2008: (exercise) Music and Emotion: Theoretical and Experimental Research I
- Summer term 2008: (exercise) Music and Emotion: Theoretical and Experimental Research II
- Summer term 2008: (undergraduate seminar) Music Research from a Media Theory Point of View
- Winter term 2008/2009: (exercise) Empathy: Mediated Immediacy in Musical Aisthesis
- Summer term 2009: (undergraduate seminar) Mediality of musical aisthesis and cognition
- Summer term 2009: (graduate seminar) Empirical methods of research on musical interaction in the context of human-computer and human-robot interaction
- Winter term 2009/2010: (graduate seminar) Mediality of musical communication
- Winter term 2009/2010: (graduate seminar) Research objects and methods of musical human-computer interaction
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2004). Musikwissenschaft in der Postmoderne. Zur Legitimationsproblematik von Musikwissenschaft. Osnabrück: epOs.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2012). Embodiment in interaktiven Musik- und Medienperformances – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung medientheoretischer und kognitionswissenschaftlicher Perspektiven. Osnabrück: epOs.
- Kim, Jin Hyun, Uwe Seifert and Julian Rohrhuber (in preparation). Situated Culture and Cognition of Music and Sound. Bielefeld: transcript.
Edited Volumes
- Seifert, Uwe, Jin Hyun Kim and Anthony Moore (Eds.) (2008). Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Kim, Jin Hyun and Uwe Seifert (Eds.) (2013 in preparation) Mediality and Music, Bern: Peter Lang.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2002). The EyesWeb-System: A Multimodal Environment for Affective Interaction of Sound and Movement [in Korean]. EMILLE 1, 271-283.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2003). Die Singstimme als Ausdruckszeichen. Zur medialen Funktion der Stimme in der Musik. In Cornelia Epping-Jäger and Erika Linz (Eds.) Medien / Stimmen (pp. 250-266). Köln: DuMont.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2004). Transkriptive Interaktion. In Christa Brüstle and Albrecht Riethmüller (Eds.) Klang und Bewegung. Beiträge zu einer Grundkonstellation (pp. 223-240). Aachen: Shaker.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2004). Music – Gesture – Interaction: Towards Computer-Aided Expressive Interaction between Sound and Movement [in Korean]. EMILLE 3, 35-58.
- Kim, Jin Hyun and Maurice Mengel (2004). Kunst als Symbolsystem. Symboltheoretische Erforschung des künstlerisch-musikalischen Ausdrucks nach Nelson Goodman. Available at <http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/muwi/hpa7/hpa7_2002/7.3_Schwerpunkte.html>.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2005). Trace Theory of Mind and Musical Expressivity. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Science of Music, 122-129.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2006). Musik – Interface – Körper. Inszenierungen des Körperlichen in digitalen Musikpraxen. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 4 (2006), 40-43.
- Kim, Jin Hyun and Uwe Seifert (2006). Embodiment: The Body in Algorithmic Sound Generation. Contemporary Music Review 25(1-2), 139-149.
- Seifert, Uwe and Jin Hyun Kim (2006) Musical Meaning: Imitation and Empathy. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 1061-1070.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2007). Toward Embodied Musical Machines. In Christoph Lischka and Andrea Sick (Eds.) Machines as Agency (pp. 18-33). Artistic Perspectives. Bielefeld: transcript.
- Kim, Jin Hyun and Uwe Seifert (2007). Embodiment and Agency: Towards an Aesthetics of Interactive Performativity. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference of Sound and Music Computing, 230-237.
- Seifert, Uwe and Jin Hyun Kim (2007). Entelechy and Embodiment in (Artistic) Human-Computer Interaction. In Julie A. Jacko (Ed.) Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2007, LNCS 4550 (pp. 929-938). Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2008). From Interactive Live Electronic Music to New Media Art. In Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim and Anthony Moore (Eds.) Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations (pp. 282-297). Bielefeld: transcript.
- Jäger, Ludwig and Jin Hyun Kim (2008). Transparency and Opacity. Interface Technology of Mediation in New Media Art. In Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim and Anthony Moore (Eds.) Paradoxes of Interactivity: Perspectives for Media Theory, Human-Computer Interaction, and Artistic Investigations (pp. 44-61). Bielefeld: transcript.
- Seifert, Uwe and Jin Hyun Kim (2008). Towards a Conceptual Framework and an Empirical Methodology in Research on Artistic Human-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction. In Ioannis Pavlidis (Ed.) Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 177-194). Vienna: In-Tech 2008.
- Kim, Jin Hyun, Uwe Seifert, Lüder Schmidt, Birgitta Burger, Son-Hwa Chang and Andreas Gernemann (2008). Embodied Musical Human-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction. Bericht der 25. Tonmeistertagung 2008, November 13-16 2008, Leipzig, 359-406.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2009). The Mediality of Interfaces: Towards an Embodied Aesthetics in New Media Performance [in Korean]. Beyond Boundaries in the Humanities 2(2), 117-141.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2010). Towards Embodiment-Based Research on Musical Expressiveness. In Sabine Flach, Daniel Margulies and Jan Söffner (Eds.) Habitus in Habitat I: Emotion and Motion (pp. 245-260). Bern: Peter Lang.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2010). Embodiment musikalischer Praxis und Medialität des Musikinstrumentes – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung digitaler interaktiver Musikperformances. In Michael Harenberg and Daniel Weissberg (Eds.). Klang (ohne) Körper. Spuren und Potenziale des Körpers in der elektronischen Musik (pp. 105-117). Bielefeld: transcript.
- Kim, Jin Hyun, Michiel Demey, Dirk Moelants and Marc Leman (2010). Performance micro-gestures related to musical expressiveness. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 827-833.
- Kim, Jin Hyun, Son-Hwa Chang, Lüder Schmidt, Jochen Arne Otto, Benjamin Buch, Uwe Seifert and Pieter Coussement (2010). “playing_robot”: Investigation of Situated Cognition in the Context of (Artistic) Human-Robot Interaction Design. Proceedings of the 1st IROS 2010 Workshop on Robots and Musical Expressions 2010 (IWRME-01), 65-72.
- Buch, Benjamin, Pieter Coussement, Lüder Schmidt, Uwe Seifert, Jin Hyun Kim, Son-Hwa Chang and Jochen Arne Otto (2010). “playing_robot”: An Interactive Sound Installation in Human- Robot Interaction Design for New Media Art. Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2010 (NIME-2010), 411-414.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2012). What Music and Dance Share: Dynamic Forms of Movement and Action-Based Aesthetic Empathy. In Stephanie Schroedter (Ed.) Bewegungen zwischen Hören und Sehen – Movements between Hearing and Seeing (pp. 197-211). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
- Seifert, Uwe and Jin Hyun Kim (2012). Embodiment. In Christina Bartz, Marcus Krause, Ludwig Jäger and Erika Linz (Eds.) Handbuch Mediologie - Signaturen des Medialen (pp. 84-89). Munich: Fink.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (in press). Computer in digitalen Musik- und Medienperformances. Vom geschlossenen Musikinstrument zum Audio-Interaktanten. In Rolf Großmann, Michael Harenberg, Klaus Neumann-Braun and Georg Christoph Tholen (Eds.) Hörbilder und Soundkulturen. Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2013 in press). Kinaesthesia and Interaction: Fundamentals of Embodied Aisthesis. In Alfonsina Scarinzi (Ed.) Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy. Vienna: Springer.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2013 in press). Active Music Listening; Communication; Embodiment; Empathy; Phenomenology; Self-Experience; Vitality (Affect/Dynamics). In Kevin Kirkland (Ed.) Dictionary of Music Therapy. London: Routledge Chapman & Hall.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2013 in press). Shaping and Co-Shaping Forms of Vitality in Music: Beyond Cognitivist and Emotivist Approaches to Musical Expressiveness. Empirical Musicology Review [Special Issue on Music and Shape].
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2013 in preparation). Action-Based Aesthetic Empathy in Musical Behavior. In: Jin Hyun Kim and Uwe Seifert (Eds.) Mediality and Music. Bern: Peter Lang.
- Kim, Jin Hyun (2013 in preparation). Mediality and Music: Introduction. In Jin Hyun Kim and Uwe Seifert (Eds.) Mediality and Music. Bern: Peter Lang.
E-Mail: [email protected]
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